Simplified Schedule

From Unusual Haunts

This page is a breakdown of what you can get from each class on the schedule.

Caption text
Time Class Benefit
Monday, Day Evan Jones’ Poison-Care Workshop Poisons don't die when you use them. Instead, they are exhausted until the end of the event or until fed.
Monday, Day Doctor Gideon Griffiths’ Medical Seminars You can call HEAL if you spend 10 seconds to do so.
Monday, Day Professor Griswold Scott’s Sermons on Blood You can spend 2 of your maximum hits to call HEAL. They come back at the end of the encounter.
Monday, Night Ignatius Scott's Poison-Rustling Stakeouts Each week, get some rustled Poisons.
Monday, Night Hildegard Scott’s Baking Club Each week, get some Treats.
Tuesday, Day Delia Jones nee Scott’s Comportment Lessons You can call WOULD YOU KINDLY to enforce a point of manners or etiquette, once per encounter.
Tuesday, Day Patrick Jones’ Gardening Club You can use large weapons and full-sized shields.
Tuesday, Day Wax Griffiths’ Pigment-Mixing Workshops Each week, get some Pigments
Tuesday, Night Tim and Thomas Jones’ Nebulism Routines You can call WEAKNESS or SPIRIT TRIPLE at range, once per encounter.
Tuesday, Night Hildegard Scott’s Knitting Circle You can call SUPPRESS when attacking the same target as an ally, once per encounter.
Wednesday, Day Mayhem Griffiths’ Meditation Sessions When you take a Wound, instead pick from two Wounds.
Wednesday, Day Gaffer Griffiths’ Arboriculture Classes You can call TRIPLE, REPEL or SHATTER with any weapon, once per encounter.
Wednesday, Day Oliver Jones’ Genealogy Workshops Each week, get access to some new Relatives
Wednesday, Night Thomas Jones’ Theoretical Lectures on Fog Call WOULD YOU KINDLY Ignore Me, once per encounter.
Wednesday, Night Roxander “Rocky” Scott’s Fight Club +2 maximum hit points.
Thursday, Day Melancholy (Mel) Griffiths’ Open-To-All Seminars on Inheritance Law Each week, get a random Bequest
Thursday, Day Robb Scott’s Mist-Gathering Sessions Income of a Jar of Mist, that can be opened to call MASS SPIRIT DOUBLE on everyone around, including you.
Thursday, Day Coletta Jones’ Practical Séances When you perform a Rite and get Consequences, instead pick from two sets of Consequences.
Thursday, Night The Great-Grand-Scott’s Personal Knitwear You can wear a magical jumper that counts as 2 hit points of armour.
Thursday, Night Tim Jones’ Fog-Hardening Club If you would call a SPIRIT call, you can instead call SPIRIT SHATTER.
Thursday, Night Singalong Night with the Sirens You can call WYK snap out of it on any willing target (freely).
Sunday, Day Hug Griffiths’ Workshop on Simple Living You can call SUPPRESS on a willing target, including yourself, once an encounter.
Sunday, Day Open Hours at Cecily Scott’s Special Greenhouse Each week, get some Plant Stuff.
Sunday, Day Working Hours at the Murex Paper-Mill Each week, get some Rite-Paper.
Sunday, Night Brush Griffiths’ Class on Rampaging You can voluntarily take a Wound; if you do, call DOUBLE on every hit until the end of the encounter.
Sunday, Night Babysitting for Coppice Griffiths You can have one additional Wound.
Sunday, Night Oliver Jones’ Amateur Dramatics Night You can call WOULD YOU KINDLY Fight Me Dramatically, once per encounter.